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How do I move my data files to a different location?

If you're upgrading your file server or want to move Probate Plus data files to a different server or PC here's a step by step guide.

For full client-server installations of Probate Plus where the optional Advantage Database Server software is installed on to your outgoing server then if you move data folder to a new server you'll also need to move the Advantage Database Server component. Contact support for more information as client-server installs can be inherently more complex if you are unsure as to how to proceed.

N.B. It's good practice to ensure that you have a backup of your data folder before you attempt to move it elsewhere.

NOTE : If you're upgrading Probate Plus data from an existing server and you're able to migrate data to the new server with no changes from the point of view of your client workstations then you'll not need to reconfigure Probate Plus unless drive letters or UNC path mappings have changed. If you can make a server upgrade invisible as far as the end user is concerned then all the better.

  1. Find where your existing data folder is located by clicking "Help..About" from within Probate Plus and examining the "Path to data" entry.
  2. Browse to the folder level above the files which are shown on screen and then move that folder to the new location. 
  3. If any files are in-use Windows will warn you, because it may be that a Probate Plus application is still running somewhere meaning you'll need to close any active copies of Probate Plus and retry.
  4. Make a note of the new folder location. Eg \\new_server\churchst_branch\ppdata
  5. Once files have been moved from the old location to the new one, rename the old data folder (meaning Probate Plus won't be able to find it), then restart Probate Plus on one PC. As the old folder no longer exists, Probate Plus will prompt you to choose the new data folder location, in this example it's "\\new_server\churchst_branch\ppdata". NOTE : If the old data folder location still exists and you decide not to rename it then Probate Plus will initially connect to it. To switch to the new location click on 'File...Options..Setup Database Connection' and enter (or choose) the details of the new data folder.
  6. Restart Probate Plus if prompted. 
  7. Repeat for each workstation as needed.
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