Sometimes you may have a need to have access to multiple Probate plus data folders and/or multiple CloudLM accounts. For example if you have multiple branch offices set to have their own data folders rather than one firm-wide data folder. Or, perhaps you have a live "production" data folder and a dummy "training" data folder to experiment on.
You can switch between data folders from within Probate Plus (article here). However, it's also possible to use command script files to assign settings before you launch Probate Plus. You will need to create one command script file per launch configuration and then run the script to start Probate Plus.
Below (and attached as a CMD file) is an example script that can set various configuration options using the Windows REG command and then launch Probate Plus.
Probate Plus v5 : Sample CMD script file contents (Windows)
REM =============================================================
REM Batch file to configure Probate Plus options then launch app.
REM =============================================================
REM Assign your configuration variables below.
REM Surround with quotes "" if they contain spaces.
REM Use at your own risk!
REM (C) Law Systems Limited 2019 Web :
REM =============================================================
SET PP_DataFolderPath=
SET PP_CloudLM_StoreID=
SET PP_CloudLM_UserID=
SET PP_ExePath="C:\Program Files (x86)\Law Systems Limited\Probate Plus v5\Prowin32.exe"
REM =============================================================
REM =============================================================
ECHO Probate Plus launch config utility
REM ********************************************
REM Sets Probate Plus data folder...
REM ********************************************
IF NOT [%PP_DataFolderPath%]==[] (
ECHO|set /p="Set data folder entry..."
REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Law Systems Limited\Probate Plus\5.0\Database" /v DataPath /t REG_SZ /d %PP_DataFolderPath% /f
REM ********************************************
REM Sets Probate Plus CloudLM credentails...
REM ********************************************
IF NOT [%PP_CloudLM_StoreID%]==[] (
ECHO|set /p="Set CloudLM Store ID..."
REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Law Systems Limited\Probate Plus\5.0\Licencing" /v CloudLM_GUID /t REG_SZ /d %PP_CloudLM_StoreID% /f
IF NOT [%PP_CloudLM_UserID%]==[] (
ECHO|set /p="Set CloudLM User ID..."
REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Law Systems Limited\Probate Plus\5.0\Licencing" /v CloudLM_Username /t REG_SZ /d %PP_CloudLM_UserID% /f
REM ********************************************
REM Executes the Probate Plus application
REM ********************************************
IF NOT [%PP_ExePath%]==[] (
START "" %PP_ExePath%
) ELSE (