Yes, you can have multiple data folders.
Common scenarios include:
- Multiple branch offices with a data folder per-branch but a centralised server holds all the data folders. E.g. \\SERVER1\PPDATA\BRANCH1\DATA and \\SERVER1\PPDATA\BRANCH2\DATA.
- You've merged with another firm who also use Probate Plus and want to keep pre and post merger data folders separate.
- You have "LIVE" and "TRAINING" data folders.
- You wish to restrict access of certain data folders to certain users or user groups. E.g. where your IT team have configured Windows security and permissions to control access to various data folders.
NOTE: If you're using our CloudLM licensing service, the first time the data folder is accessed to activate a new matter you may be prompted to register the data folder ID to your CloudLM account, this is normal and a one-off process.
NOTE: If you're using Probate Plus in full client-server mode then the data folders all need to reside on the server that is running the Advantage Database Server service.
Methods of selecting which data folder you wish to open.
1. Select a different data folder when Probate Plus is already open.
If you need to switch to a different data folder, open Probate Plus and select 'FILE...Options... Configure Database Connection'. You can set the location of your data folder, and recently used locations are available in the drop-down list. Probate Plus will close, simply re-open and Probate Plus will attempt to connect to the new data folder location.
2. Select a data folder during application startup.
When Probate Plus is starting you can hold the CTRL key down as soon as the initial splash screen appears and the software will prompt you to choose the location of the data folder you wish to use.
3. Use a batch script to set the data folder.
You can use .BAT or .CMD scripts to set the data folder location and then launch Probate Plus (article here).
4. Configure Probate Plus to prompt for data folder on startup.
Configure Probate Plus to prompt you to select the data folder you wish to connect every time you open the application to by adding the /Setup command line switch to the shortcut that starts Probate Plus. Example:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Law Systems Limited\Probate Plus v5\Prowin32.exe /Setup
5. Configure Probate Plus to try to connect to a specific data folder.
You can also use the command line switch /ConnectDBPath "<your path>" to instruct Probate Plus to start and attempt to connect to a data folder. You could have multiple shortcut icons that start Probate Plus and connect to alternate data folder locations.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Law Systems Limited\Probate Plus v5\Prowin32.exe /ConnectDBPath "Z:\Probate Plus\Branch 1\Data"
NOTE: If the data folder isn't accessible by you then Probate Plus will fall back to use your previous successful data folder location.