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How do I use the Analysis Features? (PPv5)

Probate Plus Version 5 has introduced some exciting analysis tools which probate practitioners and practice managers should find very useful.

There is now the ability to carry out searches for postings across your current, or all, matters. See the support article HERE for more information on the search feature. 

The analysis screen provides you with the tools to give feedback on workloads and the level of risk your firm might be exposed to at any time, based on, for instance, cash managed by the practice on behalf of estates and the level of unpaid liabilities.

Here are some of the many insights that the analysis screen allows you to glean: 

1. Workload and length of estate administration by user - in progress and completed. 

2. Total value of estates handled by the user or practice.

3. Amount of cash being held internally by the firm, and under administration by user or practice-wide.

4. The level of 'complexity' of estates, based on the number of postings multiplied by the number of people connected to an estate.  

As well as producing easy to generate 'snapshot' reports such as the above, Probate Plus can then export the results into a programme such as Excel, if you wish to do further analysis and modification. 




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