Probate Plus knowledgebase
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Installing the Form Filling feature add-on (PPv5)

Probate Plus can help you fill in some of the main IHT forms (205 and 400). To activate this feature you need to download the 'Form support pack' add-on from the 'Downloads' section of our website.

3rd Party form software that Probate Plus can talk to:

Either one of the following:

1. Acrobat Standard or Professional (not Reader) versions. 


2. Oyez Legal forms


3. Iris Laserforms (Advanced Legal)

If you have one of the above, download and install our free form-filling add-on and save it somewhere on your network. If it is centrally installed, all a firm's users' versions of Probate Plus can point at this shared form support folder. When you download the add-on you will be prompted to install it to your desired location. Make a note of that.

To check that your version of Probate Plus has now been configured to use the add-on, go to 'FILE...Options...Configure system...Files...File locations' and ensure the correct file pathway is in the top box shown in the image below.

For more information on using the Form Filling feature and any problems you may encounter, please refer to the support articles in this Knowledgebase, under the heading 'IHT Form filling'.



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