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Configuring paths and settings via group policy

Group policy can be used as a way to apply settings to Probate Plus, for instance you may have central folder location for documents and forms and want all users to point to the same folders.


The following master registry branches hold various Probate Plus settings:

Probate Plus v5:
Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Law Systems Limited\Probate Plus\5.0

Probate Plus v3, v4:
Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Law Systems Limited\Probate Plus\3.0


Setting file location paths:

Some useful path locations:

\File locations\PDF_Forms = form support pack base folder.
\File locations\RPT CompanyLogoImage = optional image file to use as logo in reports.
\File locations\WP CentralArchiveFolder = document history base folder.
\File locations\WP Documents = document pack base folder (for template documents).

\Database\DataPath = data folder path.


Other settings:

It's possible to also set any number of registry keys that control Probate Plus settings for a given user. These could be updated as part of a login script or other methods that manipulate individual registry entries or perhaps simply apply a template "recommended settings" .reg file. One could generate the relevant .reg file by exporting a given Probate Plus registry key or sub-key and importing it into a user's registry during login.

Some useful settings locations:

\DDELinks = Text and document integration settings.
\Fonts = UI browser fonts.
\Integration = enable/disable integration with external applications.
\International = regionalisation settings.
\Licencing = pay-as-you-go / licencing settings and credentials.
\Misc and \Settings = miscellaneous settings, usually useful for per-user customisations.
\Reports = report engine settings.
\StartUp = entries relevant when first starting application.
\Triggers = optional actions to trigger after another action.
\User information = per-user info (name / email).

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