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CloudLM 6610 error (did not respond in a timely manner) or 6602 (client comm layer timed out waiting)

If Probate Plus on your PC is having difficulty reaching the CloudLM licensing service you may see error 6610 or 6602. In almost all cases this is due to a firewall blocking traffic to the CloudLM service.

The CloudLM service operates over TCP & UDP port 6260.


1. FIREWALL: If you have a firewall in place that is blocking port 6260 on these protocols then you may get a communication failure with the CloudLM server and the 6610 / 6602 error will display.

Your IT department will be able to check whether the firewall is blocking this port.

NB: If your firewall is adjusted to allow traffic then be sure to restart Probate Plus so that any cached connection to the CloudLM server is refreshed.


2. NETWORK PROTOCOL: It is possible that even though your firewall is allowing traffic, a UDP connection is unable to be established and a 6610 / 6602 error will be triggered. In this case, you can force TCP communication by creating a file called ADS.INI in the same folder as the Probate Plus application (prowin32.exe) with the following lines:



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